This procedure, often referred to as a “tummy tuck”, removes excess fat and skin in the abdomen. During an abdominoplasty, patients may also require repair of weakened abdominal muscles that sometimes results from pregnancy. A tummy tuck can be done in conjunction with liposuction if removal of additional fat from the upper abdomen or “love handles” is also desired. The resulting scar is very low on the abdomen, usually able to be concealed by panties or a bathing suit bottom. Its length is dependent on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed. Some patients are good candidates for a “minny” abdominoplasty, in which a relatively small incision is placed at a similar location as a c-section scar in order to remove excess fat and skin in the area below the belly-button. A full abdominoplasty takes approximately 3 hours, while a “minny” abdominoplasty at takes 1-2 hours. Both are performed on an outpatient basis.